1. What body system sends messages to different parts of the body including to organs?
a) Skeletal System
b) Nervous System
c) Digestive System
d) Message System
e) Circulatory System
2. What does blood carry to the rest of the body that is so important?
a) Carbon Dioxide
b) Water
c) Nitrogen
d) Oxygen
e) Food
3. In the circulatory system, what are blue in color and carry carbon dioxide to the lungs to be exhaled?
a) Veins
b) Arteries
c) Bones
d) Nerves
e) Joints
4. What is the control center of the cell?
a) Mitochondria
b) Chloroplast
c) Endoplasmic Reticulum
d) Nucleus
e) Cytoplasm
5. What do vacuoles do?
a) hold cell parts
b) control the cell
c) used for storage of food, water, and waste
d) used for consuming food, water, and waste
e) are active outside the cell
6. What is the function of the cell membrane?
a) allows some material through while keeping the cell in place.
b) activates all the cell parts
c) helps in photosynthesis
d) acts like jelly
e) It's the food source of the cell.
7. Where are chloroplasts found?
a) in plant cells
b) in animal cells
c) not in cells
d) unicellular organisms
e) in a cat
8. The organelle that gives energy to the cell is called...
a) endoplasmic reticulum
b) mitochondria
c) nucleus
d) cell membrane
e) vacuole
9. What replicates in the nucleus during mitosis?
a) DNA
b) organelles
c) plants
d) chloroplasts
e) mitochondria
10. How many cells result from mitosis of a single cell?
a) 3
b) 4
c) 1
d) 2
e) 0
11. The spinal cord is part of what organ system?
a) Skeletal System
b) Digestive System
c) Circulatory System
d) Nervous System
e) Respiratory System
12. Diffusion occurs in what direcrion?
a) Low to high concentration
b) Up to down
c) High to low concentration
d) Down to up
e) From cold to hot
13. What diffuses across the cell membrane?
a) Everything
b) Nothing
c) Somethings
d) nucleus
e) Organelles